Saturday, January 30, 2010

Balance and Harmony

Peace be upon you, Asalamu 'Alaykum.

It has been a long time since I've written and on this night I sense my heart gravitating towards this end, so I figured let me comply with my inclination. Sometimes, some of the best things are written when man's soul is ripe for the work. Then again, it might just be a desire that doesn't produce the fruit that I may hope it will. Anyways...I think I would like to comment on balance. Balance and harmony are such important factors in human life. Not only does there need to exist balance and harmony within relationships and the way that any one person or society relates to another but also within an individual's own existence. When you look at the universe and how it functions, it speaks of balance and and perfection. The sun rising every morning with its radiance and brilliance shedding light and making clear everything that was dark and was obstructed from vision. The consistency and accuracy with which it returns day in and day out. The moon and its stages. It's pure lumination in the sky sometimes serves as a consolation to the broken heart. It too shows it self following the same patterns creating predictability and consistency. There is so much to see, if we would open our inner eye to the balance and harmony that surrounds us.

The ones who seem to stand out from all of this balance and harmony are mankind. We seem to be capable of tampering with this balance. We tip this balance towards extremes with respect to ourselves. We lose this balance in dealing with one dealing with our environment. Most importantly, we hinder it with respect to our relationship with the Creator of all. It is like our existence is a thorn within this marvelous and harmonious creation where by means of our free will we are able to create disharmony and imbalance. On the other hand, this free will is one of the most beautiful and amazing gifts. The ability for man to choose his destiny within the scheme of existence is remarkable. Once man achieves the goal which is intended for him, to submit willfully to this balance and order when he has the opportunity to reject it, it is more radiant, beautiful, and perfect than the rising and setting of the sun. More luminous than the moon and more commendable and praiseworthy than the cycle of its stages. How amazing when a creature out of his own free will chooses to follow the path of balance when he has the chance to spread evil and corruption.

It is my prayer and hope that we can realize the truths of our existence and approach this balance and perfection. It is an incredibly difficult task but the by the Mercy of God, we have been sent Prophets and Leaders to guide us through this journey. We also have His book, the Holy Qur'an which in speaking about itself says: "It(ie. The Qur'an) is a guidance for the pious". Quran (2:2). I do want to talk more about this and perhaps relate this idea to some of the problems and concerns we have in our day to day lives. I especially want to comment on the balance that must be kept within the heart, which is crucial to an individual's existence. Until next time...Please say a nice word to someone and allow me the benefit from having encouraged this good deed.

Salaam. Peace.