Thursday, June 4, 2009


Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

I begin in the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful.

It has been quite some time since I last wrote but I was inspired to write again. The topic, as the title of this enry indicates, is Salaat. For some time now, I have felt it difficult to concentrate during Salaat. Although, there are times where there is a heightened connection that brings much needed coolness to the heart. Most of the times, there is not a strong connection. Much has been said about prayers not being reduced to a ritual. The difficult and frustrating challenge is how do we go about making it more than that? How do we progress in this regard and how can we measure our improvement. There is no doubt that the road is infinite when it comes to reaching proximity to Allah (swt). To know and apply the secrets of Salaat is like a gateway to this end. In all honesty, I do not know the answer to the questions I've posed. My intention, by this entry, is to remind myself and others of the importance of this great act with the hopes of improving the quality of my Salaat the next time that I stand to pray. One thing I've always wanted is to atleast reach a level where my concentration is consistent. Once I've achieved this, I have a sort of platform to work off of. This is the first step and challenge in my mind. In any case, I will present a few narrations and Qur'anic verses that will, insh'Allah, inspire us towards this goal.

"When you face the qiblah, you should despair of this world, what it contains of creation and what others are occupied with. Empty your heart of every preoccupation which might distract you from Allah (swt). See the immensity of Allah (swt) with your innermost being, and remember that you will stand before Him. For Allah (swt) has said, There shall every soul become acquainted with what it sent before, and they shall be brought back to Allah, their true Patron. (10:30)"

"The bondsman of Allah (swt) does not truly bow (in ruku') but that Allah (swt) adorns him with the light of His radiance, shades him in the shade of His greatness and clothes him in the garment of His purity...therefore bow with the ruku' of one who is humble to Allah (swt), abased in his heart and fearful under His power, submitting his limbs to Allah (swt) like one who is fearful and sorrowful for what he might miss of the benefits of those who bow."

"Therfore prostrate yourself with the prostration of someone abased, who knows that he is created from the earth on which people tread, that he is fashioned from sperm which everyone finds impure, and that he was given being when he did not exist."

-Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) - Lantern of the Path

“Surely the believers are successful; those who are humble in their prayers.” (Quran, 23:1-2)

“O ye who believe! Do not go near prayers while you are in an intoxicated condition till you know what you are saying.” (Quran, 4:43)

“Do not stand for prayers lazily, yawning or feeling heavy (i.e. considering it to be a burden). For all these are from the traits of hypocrisy. Allah has prohibited the believers from standing for prayers while they are intoxicated i.e. (intoxicated) from sleep.”

-Imam Baqir (as) - Tafsir, Ayyashi, vol. 1

“As for the rights of the prayers, you should know that it is a means of reaching towards Allah. And you are standing before Allah when you are praying. When you are aware of this, then it is desirous that you stand during prayers like the one who is disgraced, desirous (of rewards), fearful, scared, hopeful, pauper, crying, respectful of the One Who is before Him. Maintain a dignified calm, head down, limbs humble, tender heart, praying with the best of invocations within yourself, seeking the freedom of your neck from Him, an imprisonment caused on account of your sins and a destruction caused by your misdeeds. There is no strength except Allah’s.”

-Imam Zainul 'Abideen (as) - Tuhaf al Uqul

I pray that this small selection of hadith inspires myself, most of all, and also the rest of us ins'Allah. May Allah (swt) enliven our hearts and beings to His worship. Ameen.

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